What is the difference between the Wi-Fi controller and the Wi-Fi terminal ?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

The Wi-Fi controller and the Wi-Fi terminal are two different components with specific fonctions. The Wi-Fi controller is the source of the Wi-Fi stream in your establishment. In other words, without a Wi-Fi controller, no Wi-Fi connection would be possible. The Wi-Fi controller is however not sufficient. It is imperative to also install a Wi-Fi terminals or AP (Access Point).

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What is a Wi-Fi terminal ?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

A Wi-Fi terminal, also known as AP (Access Point) is used to relay Wi-Fi anywhere in your facility. You will have to install more or less Wi-Fi terminals depending on the size of your site and the number of connected people. Our pricing (license fee and variable costs) is based on the number of Wi-Fi terminals you have installed, whereas

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What is the SSID of a Wi-Fi network?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

SSID means Service Set Identifier. It is the name of a Wi-Fi network. This name appears when you search for a Wi-Fi network on your devices. This name allows the Wi-Fi user to easily recognize the Wi-Fi network of your establishment, coffee shop, city, business office. We advise you to choose a sufficiently explicit SSID to be easily find.

What does the law require regarding Wi-Fi public hotspots?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

By providing a public Wi-Fi access to your clients/employees, you become a Wi-Fi operator and will have to respect a variety of rules. You must : Report to ARCEP (the French Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts) your establishment as a place where a public Wi-Fi connection is offered Be able to authenticate all connections to your Wi-Fi via

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Public Wi-Fi and illegal download

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

By offering public Wi-Fi, you are responsible if a user illegally downloads content like a movie for example. You must secure your Wi-Fi by filtering illegal download sites. Our DNS Protect solution meet this need.

What is HTTPS?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 9, 2018/ / 0 comments

When a web site address (URL) starts with https://, it means that the web site you are about to navigate on is 100% secure (no risk of hacking data, etc.). All the captive portals you will create thanks to our solutions, are https:// to ensure the maximum security of the personal data of your clients

What means « multi-tenant » ?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 8, 2018/ / 0 comments

Our solutions are multi-tenants which means that you can manage several clients on one platform. The term multi-tenant refers to the concept of multi-business. In addition, this term also means that different rights are granted to your clients on the platform. For example, as an integrator or an operator, you will have « super administration » rights on the platform. It means

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What is a MAC address?

Support Adipsys/ novembre 8, 2018/ / 0 comments

The Mac address is a kind of serial number of the hardware that comes in addition to the IP address, assigned by the service provider or the administrator of a network. Unlike the IP address, the MAC address is supposed to never change: when the computer is moved (physically), a new IP address is assigned to it, however its MAC

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