ADIPSYS' solution: Logview logo


Store the legal, get a Big Data tool logs

motion design image: a judge in a tribunal

Be able to provide the legal logs to the competent authorities

  • Legal logs are files containing data related to the connection of a user: the user’s Mac address, his IP address, the connection time, the destination IP of the request (link, image, video, etc.) and possibly other data such as the browser or operating system used.
  • Why should I store logs ? More and more people are badly using public Wi-Fi network. They might illegaly download movies or surf on pronographic websites thanks to your Wi-Fi connection. In that context, as a Wi-Fi provider, you will have to provide the judicial authorities with the legal logs allowing them to be able to identify and arrest people who had a bad use of the Wi-Fi. LOGVIEW allows to answer this legal obligation.
  •  According to the French decree of 24 March 2006 about the fight against terrorism, in case of fraudulent use of your Wi-Fi by a user, you will be legally obliged to provide the judicial authorities with the legal logs allowing them to identify and interpellate. LOGVIEW allows to answer this legal obligation.

Get a Big Data Tool

  • The Logview solution evolve to “on-demand” storage and analysis of multi-source logs. This analysis allow you to significantly refine the knowledge of Wi-Fi users. For more information, please contact the sales department for more details on this new solution.
motion design illustrating big data

Logview's Mission: to meet your needs

Operators and Integrators

  • Logview is a Hotspot Manager option that allows you to generate additional sales
  • Make your clients comply with the law concerning Wi-Fi Hotspots.
  • Give your clients a powerful Big Data tool, allowing them to have a deeper knowledge of users.

Gestionnaire de sites

  • Store and analyze the legal logs collected by the Hotspot Manager platform
  • Be able to respond to legal authorities if a bad use has been made of your Wi-Fi by one of your users (download, consultation of terrorist websites, etc.)
  • View the activity level of logs and trace them in real time
  • Add a powerful, up-and-coming Big Data tool that will enable you to gain deeper insight into users.

The benefits of LOGVIEW

Be in compliance with the Hadopi Law, the Anti-Terrorist Decree and the GDPR Regulation

Trace in real time the storage of the legal logs

Be able to provide the authorities with your legal logs. These files will be used to identify the identity of a user who misused your Wi-Fi.

Logview will soon become a Big Data tool as it will be able to cross data and analyze them. This allows you to have a more detailed knowledge of your customers.

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Legal compliance

Be in compliance with the Hadopi law, the anti-terrorist decree and the GDPR law

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Ease of treatment in case of judicial requests

Be able to provide the authorities with your legal logs. These files will be used to know the identity of a user who misused your Wi-Fi

Pictogram - statistics analysis

Real-time display of usage statistics

Trace in real time the storage of the legal logs

Pictogram - user knowledge

Big Data Tool in the making

Logview will soon become a Big Data tool as it will be able to cross all data and analyze them. This allows you to have a more detailed knowledge of your customers.