Frequently asked questions
How to use it ? ADIPSYS indirectly sells its solutions (BtoBtoB). We actually sells our solutions to a network of integrators, operators and distributors. Then they will sell our solutions to end users which are for example hotel owners, city representative, CIO, school director, etc.
Starting from this premise, we understood that the questions asked by an operator are not the same as those asked by an integrator. We also realized that the needs of an integrator/operator are also different from the ones asked by a distributor. Thus we have developed this very detailed FAQ in which you will find :
- The specific answers to the questions of your expertise and industry.
- We have also developed a lexicon allowing you to understand our technical jargon.
- In addition, we have added questions about our solutions (functionality, compatibility, price, free trial, training, hosting, set up, support).
- Finally, in the context of the multiplication of laws concerning Hotspot Wi-Fi, we have also written a specific insert to answer your questions about the subject.

If you choose to host our solutions on your own server, high availability is possible provided you have 3 servers
We offer you the possibility to host our solutions on your own server. You must have a VMware infrastructure and you must have the internal skills and time to operate the infrastructure (installation, update, monitoring, security, etc.).
You sell Wi-Fi connections to your business clients. ADIPSYS allows you to add to the Wi-Fi a layer of managed services with added value. Increasingly aware of the security of personal data and the challenges of Big Data, your customers are looking for tools to enable them to be in legal compliance, while allowing them to collect the personal data of their clients/guests/users. The solutions developed by ADIPSYS meet these needs. So you can offer to your clients a package including a hardware Wi-Fi infrastructure and a software service platform. What’s more, ADIPSYS offers you an interesting and competitive pricing allowing you to win all your deals
Yes, many of our customers are operators. We first sell them our solutions. Then they sell them to their own own clients. Click on operators / integrators to see which operators trust us